Testosterone, Testosterone, Testosterone! Please continue reading if you want to know How To Increase Testosterone Levels. One of the biggest factors is age. Testosterone levels by age decrease dramatically around 40. There are things you can do to increase and help maintain them.
You have probably heard this word at some point in your life and wondered what it actually is and why it is so important. Many supplements online and on television claim they can boost your levels through the roof. Usually, they have some well-known sports icon promoting it or a celebrity saying how it has changed their lives.
Most of the advertising is how they were very uninterested in “bedroom” activities until they started taking this magic pill. Now everything is unbelievable.
Increasing Testosterone Levels is something most men should consider but is a supplement the way to go?
This usually leaves us wondering if this is true and works, or are they just saying this because the supplement company is paying them a ton of money?
Years ago, I personally was one of those consumers who believed in all the hype. I purchased some supplements based on big strong, ripped men or famous athletes preaching how well it has worked for them.
I researched all the most popular and sold ones on the market and then purchased a few myself. In this article, I would like to share my honest opinion on my results or if I think you should purchase one of these supplements.
I would also like to share how naturally you can at least maintain your Testosterone levels or even increase them with zero side effects. Depending how old you are can be a big factor, but even some younger readers have naturally deficient amounts of Testosterone.
You may not even know how big of an impact it is on your life to have low testosterone levels. Testosterone deficiency can sometimes make you have no motivation to do anything.

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone important for sexual and reproductive development.
There is also the testosterone form, known as an anabolic steroid not produced naturally in the body. Women can also produce testosterone but at much lower levels.
For example, men aged 19+ have normal levels around 250-950(ng/dl), and women 19+ range from 10-60.
Ng/dl is how your levels are measured and stands for nanograms per deciliter, but a common term you may hear is “T Levels.”
I had my testosterone levels tested a few years ago and highly recommended it.
If you want to leave a comment or email me, I can recommend the best and cheapest way to ensure you have normal testosterone levels.
Your muscle mass is also regulated by testosterone, which is why professional bodybuilders have so much muscle. Their levels are much higher than someone not taking the steroid form.
They could have levels up to 20 times more than someone who is only naturally producing it.
This is the perfect hormone for building muscle mass, and unfortunately, if your levels are pretty much non-existent, you will have a hard time putting on muscle. How is it made, you ask? Well, 95 % of it is made in your testicles, and the other 5% is in the adrenal glands above your kidneys.
The small amount women produce is made in the ovaries.
There are many things it does for you, but the most well-known benefit, as I mentioned before, is the sex drive in men.
It also does affect your mental health, muscle/bone mass, red blood cell production, and fat storage.
For these reasons, when friends or clients ask me why they don’t have the energy to lift or have trouble putting on muscle, I mention “T” levels.
Even with a healthy diet, if your levels are deficient, this could be one reason.
For example, If you think about it, why do 20-25-year-olds have an easy time putting on muscle compared to a 50-year-old? Well, testosterone levels play a HUGE role in that.
I personally have high natural levels from eating healthy and working out most of my life.
Without it or low levels of Testosterone, you can get what is called hypogonadism or infertility.
Hypogonadism is when your testicles stop working, and ovaries for women and about 40% of men have it by the age of 45.
Infertility is when you are not able to have children.
Depression can be fought with testosterone, and many people can testify to this from their own personal experiments.
Research has shown men suffering from depression usually have low levels. A guy on YouTube has documented his journey for years, going from not having testosterone and then getting “TRT,” which is testosterone replacement therapy, and it changed his life.
I can share his channel if you want; comment below.

OK, you probably clicked on this article because of the headline, so Let’s get into the meat and potatoes of how to increase levels.
These are the ways to increase your levels and the healthiest options naturally.
- Exercise and lifting weights: I would say it is the most important way naturally. A study by The US National Library Of Medicine shows people who exercise regularly have higher levels of testosterone. High-Intensity training is also known to be very effective for increasing levels.
- Diet: Whatever you eat regularly has a big impact on your hormone and T levels. It would help if you had a well-balanced diet with Protein, good Carbohydrates, and Good Fats. I try to combine Protein, Carbs, and Fats in every meal, along with unlimited vegetables.
- Stress: This can absolutely lower and destroy your levels. These stressful situations in your daily routines add up over time and can elevate Cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone known to work against testosterone and lower its levels.
- Natural Testosterone Boosters: Of the 5 I have listed below, I would highly recommend the first 2, Ashwagandha and Fenugreek being the most important if you choose a testosterone supplement. Look for at least 500mg of each.
- Ashwagandha is a herb with the most research and used in ancient Indian medicine to help your body handle stress and anxiety. Studies had shown a 10-20% increase when a group of men was taking 5 grams per day for a three-month period.
- Fenugreek is a herb most commonly used in Asian Cuisine and can stop the Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). SHBG can take the testosterone in your bloodstream. Fenugreek stopping this lets your free testosterone do its job much more effectively.
- Tribulus Terrestris is a plant commonly taken to enhance athletic performance, heart, and sexual issues. I’m not a big believer in Tribulis, even though many testosterone boosters have it as an ingredient. There is a lot of research suggesting it doesn’t raise testosterone levels, although it may help your libido.
- Ginger a household spice that comes from a plant and is most commonly used for stomach problems. There is strong research that Ginger may boost Testosterone.
- D-Aspartic Acid Is an important Amino Acid that plays a key role in boosting the parts of the brain that regulate hormone release that tells your testes to make more Testosterone.
You can get artificial Testosterone through injections, orally, or with gel patches on the skin. Testosterone Replacement Therapy, known as “TRT,” may give you the desired results you are looking for, but there are some possible side effects.
Your testicles will shrink because your body is not producing them naturally, and your sperm production will decrease.
This is, of course, something you should speak to your doctor about. I do have some friends in their late 40s that have the injections from a Doctor and love the results.
If you were to decide on your own to do this, you should always monitor blood tests to make sure everything is still very healthy.
I remember watching the well-known UFC announcer Joe Rogan on his YouTube channel explain how he has been on TRT for ten years.
He always has his blood work done and keeps testosterone levels at that of someone in their 20s, and he is 50 now.
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a type of hormone therapy that is used to treat low testosterone levels in men. Several types of TRT exist, including gel, injection, patch, and implantable pellets.
The gel is the most common form of TRT and is applied to the skin daily. The injection is another common form of Testosterone therapy and involves injecting testosterone directly into the muscle. This method is typically used if you have difficulty absorbing testosterone through your skin.
The patch is a less common form of Testosterone therapy that involves wearing a patch on the skin that releases testosterone slowly over time.
Implantable pellets are a less common form of TRT that involve implanting small pellets containing testosterone under the skin. Pellets release testosterone slowly over time, providing a steady dose of the hormone.
The gel is easy to use and has a low risk of side effects, but it can be messy and may not be suitable for everyone. An injection is more effective than gel, but it can be painful and has a higher risk of side effects. The patch is less effective than gel but has a lower risk of side effects. Implantable pellets are the most effective form of TRT, but they can be expensive and may not be suitable for everyone.
Overall, each type of TRT has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to discuss the options with your doctor to find the best treatment option.
For testosterone levels by age 40, a normal testosterone level should be anywhere from 201-993 ng/dL. This range is based on the average testosterone level of 597 ng/dL in men aged 40-44 and the 95% range of this age group. So although some men may have a lower or higher testosterone level than this average, it is considered normal within this age group.
A testosterone level that is too low can lead to health problems such as low energy, reduced libido, and weight gain. On the other hand, a testosterone level that is too high can cause problems such as enlarged breasts, hair loss, and infertility.
Testosterone levels in men drop by 1% each year after the age of 30. This gradual decline means that a man in his 40s can expect to have around 5% less testosterone than when he was in his 20s. Even so, the average testosterone level for men in their 40s is 597 ng/dL, which is still considered healthy. A testosterone level that falls below 201 ng/dL or above 993 ng/dL is considered abnormal and may require medical attention.
Most healthy males will see muscle mass and strength increase when their total testosterone levels are around 1000 ng/dl. For those looking to really pack on the muscle, doses of 200-300 mg/wk of testosterone can effectively raise testosterone levels to the 1000-2000 ng/dl range.
While this is not necessary for all, it can be an anabolic edge for some.
As a general rule, you need to have testosterone levels above normal to see significant muscle gains. Most bodybuilders will have total testosterone levels between 2000 and 4000 ng/dl while on anabolic steroids. This is way above normal testosterone levels. While this may seem like a lot, many bodybuilders who use anabolic steroids reach these testosterone levels without any problems.
This is why it is so important to make sure that you are taking all necessary precautions if you are considering using steroids, as they can have some serious side effects if not taken properly.
Low testosterone can have many side effects, some of which are more well-known than others. One of the most common is low energy levels. Men with low testosterone often feel tired and lack the motivation to do anything. Another common symptom is decreased libido. Men with low T may not be interested in sex as much as they used to be, or they may have difficulty getting aroused.
Reduced muscle mass and decreased bone density. In extreme cases, low testosterone can even lead to infertility.
Low testosterone levels can also lead to weight gain, especially around the midsection. Men with low T can find it difficult to lose weight, no matter how hard they try. Finally, low testosterone can cause mood swings and depression. Men with low testosterone levels may feel down and unmotivated, and they may have difficulty dealing with stress.
Low testosterone can also include reduced erectile function, a loss of body hair, less beard growth, and a loss of lean muscle. Low testosterone can be treated with lifestyle changes, medication, or hormone replacement therapy.
For example, if you have erectile dysfunction and trouble getting or maintaining an erection, your doctor might prescribe a medication like sildenafil (Viagra). Or, if you’re experiencing hair loss, you could try using a beard growth serum like minoxidil (Rogaine).
If you think you might be experiencing some of these side effects, talk to your doctor. He or she can run a blood test to determine whether your testosterone levels are low and can help you find a treatment that works for you.
If you feel like you never have any natural energy or find it extremely hard to build muscle. I recommend getting your levels checked by a blood test with your doctor.
You want to ensure you are in the 300-1000 ng/dl range. You may be or have been at 100 or less and not even know it.
Have your levels tested in the morning because they are typically the highest and fluctuate throughout the day? I recommend trying some of these natural plant and herb forms for anyone.
If you are still quite young, Testosterone Replacement Therapy isn’t for you. Although those levels start dropping right around your early 30s, you may want to start considering talking to a Doctor about TRT. I have a more thorough article on TRT here if you want to see it. Here it is Testosterone Levels In Men.
This post may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through links. I will only recommend products that I have personally used! Learn more on my Privacy Policy Page.
Hey Bobby,
Great article on some of the natural ways to increase your testosterone production. It’s a field I know a bit about and your advice is spot on! Testosterone certainly does help the body create greater muscle mass and lose fat, as you mention your T levels naturally dip as you get older and that is why older men struggle to gain muscle and lose fat. You mention hypogandism and recently aa stat has been released that over 700,000 men in the UK have been diagnosed with it, its a serious issue! If people are struggling to gain muscle or lose fat, following your tips to increase T can potentially help fix that.
Hey Nate,
Wow that is amazing 700,000! Yes it sure does help with muscle mass and fat loss, someone with pretty much non existent testosterone is going to have a real hard time packing on the muscle.