I first heard about this ancient medicinal herb with multiple health benefits about ten years ago. Since then, I have recommended it to many of my friends and clients. Ashwagandha Root Benefits are proven in studies to work.
Chances are you may have taken it and not even known. I say this because I see it quite often in some stress reliever supplements on the back of the ingredient label. You can, however, buy it just by itself.
Would you like to go straight to my favorite all-time Ashwagandha root supplement?
- Certified organic Ashwagandha from 100% natural, sustainable sources. Amazing 1300 mg per serving.
- Free of binders, fillers, allergens, GMOs, pesticides, dairy, gluten, wheat, yeast, artificial colors, flavors, hormones, & heavy metals.
- Supercharged with 10 mg Organic Black Pepper for 2000x better absorption.
- Third-party tested to guarantee the highest quality!
The first time I found out about it was when I looked for natural supplements that can raise Testosterone levels. Upon more research, I found studies that found Ashwagandha to increase it. Although this isn’t what most people buy this herb for. These health benefits are great for men, but also, Ashwagandha’s benefits for women are just as great.
I will explain below what it is and the main benefits of this awesome Herb!
If you would like to purchase Ashwagandha powder in bulk, here is a great company I buy a lot of supplements from.
You can find it in the middle east, India, and some parts of Africa. The size is a small shrub with green flowers. Also attached are some red berries and simple small leaves. The root is shaped like a tube or carrot shape.
Some people describe the smell as comparable to that of a horse if you break the word into two parts. Ashwa means Sanskrit for a horse (strength), and the 2nd part gandha for the smell. Oftentimes you will see it called “Winter Cherry” or “Indian Ginseng.”
So now you know where it got its name!
Ashwagandha is most known for helping with stress. However, there are many other great benefits. Most studies and evidence support how it works with stress, so that is why it is such a popular supplement for stress. The most known reason for realizing stress is that it contains chemicals that lower blood pressure and potentially calm the brain.
Here is one of the things I find fascinating. It has been used for over 3000 years to relieve stress!!!

Let’s start by talking about the most common and well-known health benefits of ashwagandha…STRESS! When someone asks me what to take because they are stressed, I mention this magical herb. The funny part is that most people have never heard of it, and it is such a crazy word to pronounce. So often, I get a confused look.
- In August 2015, researchers used rats in a study. They found it blocked the stress pathway in the brains of rats. This was done by regulating chemical signaling in the nervous system. (1)
- In July 2012, Sixty Four people with chronic stress were involved in a 2-month study. This is a crazy good result…Almost 70% reported a reduction in anxiety and insomnia on average. (2)
- In July of 2000, there were 39 subjects involved in a 6-week study. There was almost a 90% reduction in anxiety reported after taking Ashwagandha. Now that is just simply amazing! (3)
So you can see here why stress is the number 1 use of this magical herb. Some amazing results from actual studies!
- In 2014 Twenty healthy male participants were given 250 mg 2 capsules twice daily for two weeks. RESULT: There was a significant improvement observed in reaction times with choice discrimination, simple reaction, digit symbol substitution, card sorting tests, and digit vigilance. (4)
- Your acetylcholine levels in the brain will increase. This is connected to improved memory, intelligence, and brain function.
- Blood fat cholesterol and triglyceride levels are decreased. A study (5) with male albino rats had the root powder added to their diets. Triglycerides lowered by 45% and cholesterol by as much as 53%.
- Another 2-month study with stressed adults. LDL cholesterol levels were lowered by 17% for the group taking the biggest doses. Along with an 11% decrease in triglycerides.
- 40 normal healthy men were involved in a study to see the effects on exercise performance. They were given 500mg of the herb for two months. The results were an increase in velocity, power, and VO2 max. (6)

When it comes to ashwagandha, there are two main forms: the root and the extract. The root is typically used in cooking, while the ashwagandha root extract is used for medicinal purposes. Which one is better?
As far as benefits go, both the root and the extract are effective. However, the ashwagandha root extract is more potent and therefore provides more benefits. It is also standardized for human consumption, whereas the root may not be. Therefore, if you are looking for the most beneficial form of ashwagandha, the extract is your best bet.
As with any supplement, it’s important to do your research and find a quality product that matches the specification used in the research. When it comes to ashwagandha, an extract standardized for human consumption is your best bet for receiving the benefits. The root-only extract is our recommended preference, but any high-quality ashwagandha extract should provide the same benefits.
If you’re looking for a natural way to improve your thyroid health, ashwagandha may be the herb for you. Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, which means that it helps your body to adapt to stress. One of the ways that ashwagandha does this is by reducing cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that is released in response to stress, and high levels can interfere with the function of the thyroid gland.
When the thyroid gland isn’t working properly, it can lead to hypothyroidism, a condition in which your body doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weight gain, and depression.
Studies have shown that ashwagandha can be helpful in treating hypothyroidism. In one study, 50 people with hypothyroidism were given 600 mg of ashwagandha root extract daily for eight weeks. At the end of the study, they found that there was a significant improvement in thyroid levels among those who had taken ashwagandha compared to those who had taken a placebo.
While ashwagandha may not be a cure for hypothyroidism, it can be a helpful supplement in managing the condition. If you are experiencing symptoms of hypothyroidism, talk to your doctor about whether ashwagandha could be right for you.
If you’re looking for a natural way to improve your thyroid health, ashwagandha may be the herb for you. Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, which means that it helps your body to adapt to stress. One of the ways that ashwagandha does this is by reducing cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that is released in response to stress, and high levels can interfere with the function of the thyroid gland.
When the thyroid gland isn’t working properly, it can lead to hypothyroidism, a condition in which your body doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weight gain, and depression.
Studies have shown that ashwagandha can be helpful in treating hypothyroidism. In one study, 50 people with hypothyroidism were given 600 mg of ashwagandha root extract daily for eight weeks. At the end of the study, they found that there was a significant improvement in thyroid levels among those who had taken ashwagandha compared to those who had taken a placebo.
While ashwagandha may not be a cure for hypothyroidism, it can be a helpful supplement in managing the condition. If you are experiencing symptoms of hypothyroidism, talk to your doctor about whether ashwagandha could be right for you.
It’s no secret that ashwagandha root extract is one of the most popular and well-researched herbs in the world. But what exactly does it do?
Ashwagandha is a revered herb in Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine that originated in India. It’s a potent adaptogen, which means that it helps the body adapt to stressors, both physical and emotional. As an adaptogen, ashwagandha can help lower stress levels, improve mood, and boost energy levels.
But that’s not all. Ashwagandha also has powerful immunomodulatory effects. This means that it can improve cell-mediated immunity, which is the body’s first line of defense against disease. It also has potent antioxidant properties that help protect against cellular damage caused by free radicals.
All of these benefits of ashwagandha are powerful in warding off disease and maintaining optimal health. If you’re looking for an all-around health tonic, ashwagandha is a great choice!
The name Ayurveda is Sanskrit for “knowledge of life,” and the system is based on the idea that health and wellness come from a balance of mind, body, and spirit. Ayurveda sees the body as a microcosm of the universe and believes that all illness arises from an imbalance in one or more of the three doshas, or energies, that make up the body.
There is little scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of Ayurvedic medicine, but the practice is widely used in India and Nepal. A study published in 2016 found that around 80% of people in these countries use Ayurveda for some purpose. While there are some studies indicating that Ayurveda may be helpful for certain conditions, more research is needed to determine its efficacy.
Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old system of natural healing that uses herbs and plants to treat various health conditions. Some of the most popular ayurvedic herbs include ginger, turmeric, holy basil, and of course, ashwagandha.
Ginger is a root herb that has been used for centuries to treat nausea, indigestion, and other digestive problems. It is also effective in treating pain and inflammation.
Turmeric is a yellow spice that has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It is often used to treat arthritis, joint pain, and other inflammatory conditions.
Holy basil is an herb that has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to promote physical and mental health. It is known for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety, and it has potent anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.
Garlic – Garlic is a natural antibiotic and can be helpful in treating respiratory infections, such as colds and the flu.
It is known to help with the central nervous system and can be helpful in reducing cortisol production. This can be beneficial for those who are struggling with sleep or have a lot of stress in their lives. While ashwagandha may not work for everyone, it can be a great option for those looking for an alternative way to help with their nervous system.
Ashwagandha is a “restorative tonic” for the nervous system. It reduces cortisol production and helps to calm the mind and body. Ashwagandha can be helpful for those who have trouble sleeping or experience anxiety or stress. It is important to note that ashwagandha should be taken consistently for several weeks to experience the known clinical benefits.
In general, yes, it is very safe when you take the correct doses, and just like anything, don’t overdo it. You have to keep in mind there are so many different places to buy it. Some may be third-party tested and 100% pure, but then some you really don’t know what you’re getting. For these reasons, I always go with someone who is trusted and has it tested.
Ashwagandha is available as capsules, tablets, powders, and liquid extracts.
Minor side effects
They are uncommon, but if you decide to take large doses, you may experience a few like these.
- Gastrointestinal upset
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Drowsiness
Major side effects
- Ashwagandha in pregnancy is not a good idea because there is some evidence that it could cause a miscarriage. Of course, most importantly, if you are pregnant and considering it, PLEASE TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR FIRST.
- If Diabetes is something you have, then you should also be much more cautious. Some people with Diabetes are already using medication to lower blood sugar levels. Combined with Ashwagandha and it may lower it too much.
- Low or High Blood Pressure could be a major side effect if you are currently on prescription medication because the two combined could have an extremely sudden drop in blood pressure. Of course, if you are already very naturally low, then this could turn into an unhealthy low level.
- Ashwagandha and thyroid disorders you have to be careful with. Your thyroid hormone levels can be increased with this herb.
Ashwagandha is also known as:
Asanas: This is a Sanskrit word that means “horse pose” and refers to the herb’s ability to increase strength.
KSM-66: This is a brand name of ashwagandha that is standardized for withanolides. It’s grown in the foothills of the Himalayas and has been clinically studied for its effectiveness.
Sensoril: This is another brand name of ashwagandha that is standardized for withanolides. It’s grown in the United States and has also been clinically studied for its effectiveness.
Indian winter cherry or Indian Ginseng. You can see now, with a common search online, when you type in Indian Ginseng, the result with be Ashwagandha.
in reference to its rejuvenating and tonic effects on the nervous system.
There are so many great antioxidants in this herb that are essential for losing weight. These antioxidants will decrease inflammation and speed up metabolism. Which, in return, it burns the fat stored in your body. It also boosts your immune system and helps redirect your energy to the entire fat-burning and weight-loss process.
Your sleep quality can also be improved by taking this herb. This will result in decreased anxiety and lower cortisol levels. The final result of this is increased weight loss. If you are not getting enough good quality sleep, this can cause a hormonal imbalance, and your stress will increase. When this happens then, the result can be weight gain.
Do you know those days when you are feeling quite sluggish in the gym? With Ashwagandha, many factors can give you increased energy. Very high in Iron and which can help improve blood circulation and helps reduce cortisol levels

This is a great question and one I’m very familiar with. Is Ashwagandha good for a testosterone increase? Yes! There are not many natural supplements out there that truly have the research to back it up, but Ashwagandha does. You will often see commercials claiming to boost your Testosterone levels.
Some day take the time to research what is actually in that supplement. Some of the ingredients have absolutely NO science behind them. All they have is the marketing of some extremely fit guy who probably never even took the supplement.
With this herb, you can easily search ” Ashwagandha Testosterone Studies,” and you will find many that have increased levels.
In 2010 there was a larger size study at the Departments of Biochemistry and Urology, Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University in Lucknow, India. In total, it was 150 men. 75 normal healthy and fertile men and 75 men undergoing infertility screening. This study tried to see the effects of Ashwagandha root on testosterone, semen profile, and other hormones in infertile men. (7)
They found that when treated with Ashwagandha, the testosterone improved: Follicle-stimulating hormone, Luteinizing, and Prolactin in the fertile men. All these factors are linked together to male fertility and sperm quality.
This is just one of the studies, but I highly recommend you give this supplement a try. I have been taking it for years and love it. With any supplement you try, start with low doses and take it from there. Please leave me a comment below if you have any questions.

If you are interested in my favorite Ashwagandha supplement built around increasing Testosterone, I will post it above this. I have also written a separate article on how to increase testosterone levels. You can check it out Increase Testosterone Levels.
Ashwagandha is an ancient herb with a variety of benefits, some of which have been supported by science. If you’re looking for an all-natural way to improve your health, Ashwagandha root may be worth considering. I have found the health benefits of Ashwagandha to be pretty amazing.
Modern research backs up many of these claims and shows that Ashwagandha may be helpful in treating anxiety, reducing stress, mental stress, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, and even Alzheimer’s disease.
If you do decide to buy an ashwagandha extract, please make sure it is tested for purity. There are many affordable ashwagandha supplements out there, but the key is to find pure and affordable ones.
Have you tried Ashwagandha? Let me know in the comments below what your experience has been like!
“Forget failure. Forget Mistakes. Forget Everything, except what you’re going to do now. And do it.”
– Lou Ferrigno, 2-time Mr. Universe
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